Finanças Tighter rules to exempt resale of property from IMT Only those who can prove that in the last two years they have resold properties previously acquired for that purpose can benefit from IMT exemption. 24 Nov 2022 min de leitura A proposal of the Left Bloc that tightens the rules of exemption in IMT attributed within the resale of property was this Wednesday, 23 November, approved by Members, after the PS announced a change in the initial vote. This was the second amendment proposal of the BE that had 'green light' since voting began on the specialty after on Monday, and also after a change in the vote of the PS, to have seen viable the proposal for the implementation of the National Strategy for Green Public Procurement, providing for its monitoring and follow-up. In the BE proposal approved on Wednesday, it is considered that only those who prove that in the last two years they have resold property purchased for this purpose can benefit from IMT exemption. The law currently in force reduces that requirement to just one year. "It is considered that the taxpayer normally and habitually exercises the activity when he proves its exercise in the previous two years through a certificate issued by the competent tax service, when that certificate states that, in each of the previous two years, properties acquired before were resold for this purpose," says the proposal of the blockists. In the first vote, the proposal had been rejected with the votes against by Chega, IL, PSD and PS, with the socialists later announcing that they would vote in favour. Source: Idealista Finanças Share article FacebookXPinterestWhatsAppCopiar link Link copiado